Wednesday, July 15, 2009

All-Star Snooze

The game lasted only 2:31 and still managed to finish well past many kid's bedtimes, as well as mine. Gotta love DVR. Although I gotta get used to this new Navigator system that Time Warner zapped me with yesterday. Breezing through the game this morning, I think it's ok. The delayed response I feared after seeing it in other systems was not there. I can now go through a game in 3x ffwd and still manage to cut back to every at-bat result after seeing the base/out state change on the scoreboard. Not an option for a crucial situation if you don't want to get spoiled, but a nice way to catch every at-bat in a reasonable amount of time.

I love how they hype the starting pitchers before the game like they have anything to do with the end result. Lincecum and Halladay gave up most of the runs in this game, so they did influence the result in some way, but it's not like they're pitching 6+ innings.

K-Rod needs only six pitches to get through one inning, his lowest output all season. In the all-star game. Go figure. Jayson Werthless helped out, making a nice catch that was sure to fall in. This guy is not so worthless- go through the Phillies lineup position by position. Scary. And Rollins is having a bad year.


Pedro has signed with the Phillies (if you asked why I linked the Vancouver Sun of all newspapers, it's because I googled pedro phillies and that was the most recent hit). Watch him have a solid second half of the season- should be very interesting if he's slated to pitch in one of the games at Citi later this season.


The Korpedo for Lisin? The kid looks like he's got some moves, but then again so did Josef Balej.

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