I'm watching this game from the Promenade last night and I got this feeling of deja vu. I flip back in the scorebook of games I attended this season to look at 6/10. Mike Pelfrey vs Cole Hamels- yep. Mets knocking around Hamels at a rate of two hits per inning, knocking him out after five- yep. 4-1 lead- yep. Blown save in the late innings- NO.
Pelfrey got hit by Hamels and it seemed to ignite the Mets. The team needs more of the response Pelfrey displayed. Just a little passion. You don't have to charge the mound. Just make sure the other team knows you're ticked off. Jerry went nuts too, arguing another pathetic call by an umpire this season. You gotta love it.
The Mets held on, and it was good that they did, considering how many Phillies fans were in the ballpark. There was even a strong "Let's Go Phillies" chant early on that had to be drowned out by boos. It helped the atmosphere though, big time. This was the most life Citi Field had all season and the Mets are pretty much out of it.
Jayson Werth has a smug look for his face shot that appears on the big screen for his at-bats. Jayson, it's ok to crack a smile. We'll settle for you going 0-for-3 with a pair of strikeouts.
I'm done with Anderson Hernandez. Unfortunately it's either him or Wilson Valdez the rest of the season. Joy.
We have now learned that the out-of-town scoreboard does not support anyone that scores 20. The Yankee 16-7 lead over Boston, suddenly was cut down to a 10-7 lead, then Boston had an 11-10 lead. WTF? The game was removed from the scoreboard shortly thereafter to prevent any further confusion. Of course, anyone who had been taking a peek at the scoreboard throughout the game knew exactly what happened. A 20-spot? It could be a long winter for Yankee haters in New York.
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