Don't drink the Kool-Aid the Mets are trying to give you about Oliver Perez's performance last night. Aside from getting the "big" out, is there anything to be encouraged about? You realize the last time we see him on an active major league roster he was demoted to the bullpen. The mystery knee injury was a cover up and gave him time to clear his head. Faked another injury during a bad rehab start to give himself some more time. Was encouraged by two mediocre performances to keep on pitching. The Mets were so encouraged and desperate that they called him back up. What do we get? Seven walks in five innings, including a typical four pitch walk to start off the game!
It's not going to change. The Mets have invested too much in him. He has to pitch and has to find his 2007/second half 2008 version real soon. Otherwise we're going to see more of these 3 1/2 hour games. Ollie was lucky to get the W last night thanks to the Met ground balls finding holes during the third inning. Nothing to get encouraged about.
Sorry to harp on the negative, as a win is a win. It's going to be negative until you start seeing crisp baseball being played on the field and some balls hit with authority, not extra base hit fly balls that are hit toward Manny Ramirez and would be caught by any average outfielders.
That being said, you had to love the Daniel Murphy play at first. Like the David Wright barehand dive a few seasons ago, that's one you won't see again anytime soon. An article with the video.
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