15-0. The image on the right is that of Robinson Cano and his mug living it up after his homerun to make it 11-0. Off the bat the guy wanted to raise his arms like he hit a game winning homer in the 9th. When he came up to lead off the 6th, you think the Mets were angry enough? Embarrassed? No, just serve him up another pitch he can sock for a double.
To end the nightmare 9-run 4th, Melky Cabrera doubled in the final two runs of the inning. As he's rounding first if your wearing a Met uniform, you have to be steaming. Another hit? Come on already? Then you see Cabrera rounding second taking an extra base?? The guy has to get taken down. David Wright, Mr. Nice Guy, gets the throw from the outfield well in time and what he should have done was slap the tag on Cabrera's face- send some kind of message- for taking the extra base after making the score 13-0. Aww Melky, give me a hug instead.
At least K-Rod showed some guts. In-game, there's no fight with this team. You think after two collapses, losing two of three to the Phillies, and a crushing loss like Friday night, the time bomb would explode with the smallest thing, like, I don't know, Robinson Cano gleefully circling the bases to make it 11-0 at your expense.
As for the result of the game, think about your expectations before Saturday's game with Nieve and Johan next in line to start. Just flip the results and pretend Johan was solid in a 6-2 win and Nieve got tattered and you got what you thought was going to happen.
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