A shitty first period. Then a line change. I swear, the rest of the Rangers in 60 program featured every shift by Avery-Gomez-Callahan. They were amazing.

On a call back home to my parents on Saturday night, the only thing I heard was my Dad in the background: "Rangers suck." That's all I needed to know about this one. Colton Orr threw some bombs on Riley Cote before getting taken down which was the only highlight from the Rangers in 60 broadcast.

Good thing the NHL Network replays the NBC game of the week on Monday, in a two hour format, with none of the intermission stuff. Makes recording easier and saves some DVR space. Avery scores again and the power play? Wow!

Lesson when recording Rangers in 60 if you know you will miss the action at least a day after the game: record the show the next morning, not the 11pm version following the night game. The first 30 minutes or so of my recording was "Ranger profiles: Drury 23" or whatever the program is called. I did not even bother watching. A bad goal that gave Montreal a point, which could be big. At least they won in the shootout, but remember that one point by the Canadiens.

I was back in the States to watch this game in its entirety. Very entertaining. Sweet breakaway goal by Cally. Buffalo is just about done.

There's no way they can lose another game, right? Wrong. Ottawa is on fire, but it is likely too little too late for them. Ruutu is still an ass, but I still would have signed him this past offseason once we lost out on Avery. Nice to see a local kid who was a Ranger fan growing up score the game winner. If you watched him on the postgame, you could really see his excitement. Must have been pretty cool.
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