Unfortunately, we will have to hear all A-Rod all the time in the next few days. As if the Rangers of New York were irrelevant enough already. Even the Mets are enjoying a quiet spring, never mind K-Rod proclaiming they are the "team to beat." Like Brett Myers said, that's just a bad sequel.
Can we get over this story please? It's over. Everyone juiced up in the late 90's-early 00's. It's was baseball's fault for not implementing a steroid policy early on. How do you erase these stats from the record book? While this was considered cheating, it was not illegal. You can compare it to stealing signs. Until there are rules in place, anything is fair game. Are you doing your body harm with steroids? Of course. That is the player's choice. Kudos to the clean players for playing an honest game.
Steroids or not, Alex Rodriguez is a championship away from cementing his spot in the hall of fame. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, hated as they are, belong there as well. They were dominant and would have been so even without the juice. Not 70+ homers dominant though- that single season HR record is another argument. The next clean player who breaks 61 HRs in a season should have all the accolades and fanfare received by McGwire and Bonds. Will there name be in the record book if they finish with 63? No. But they should get their due somehow. The same can be said for the next clean player who approaches 755. Let's move on.
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